Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"God Is Here"

Take the time to watch this short video.  Some real points to help us "Pray The Mass"

Click the above URL to view this short video 
Copy and paste it to your browser.

God Bless
Deacon Jim

The Transfiguration of Jesus. "Tell No One What You Have Seen"

Second Sunday of Lent
March 1, 2015

The second Sunday of Lent always tells the story of the transfiguration of Jesus. This glorious event stands in contrast to the Gospel readings of last week that focused on the temptations. The transfiguration reminds us of the divinity of Christ.  Jesus is the Son of God who allowed his disciples to briefly experience His glory.

   As we continue our Lenten Journey, we ask ourselves, do we expect only brief moments of glory from God and nothing more or do we recognize His glory in the world around us?  The true glory of God is only fully experienced after the suffering and death of Jesus. It is only by the cross that we are able to experience the Resurrection and the true Glory of God.

 Look for those who are suffering, those who are faced with true challenges in their lives.  When we find them and then act to show them our compassion, love, caring and HELP, we will be walking in the footsteps of Jesus and serving Him by serving others.
                     - Deacon Jim

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Help Walking The Journey of Lent

Check out ideas to help you walk the journey of Lent.  Go to the Sacred Heart Parish web page.  The first link will take you to ten tips from Pope Francis.

First Sunday of Lent

On this first Sunday of Lent, we recall the important of the three areas we are called to focus on during this special season.  For our Catechisms, this week is very special as they are called to the Rite of Election.  For those of us already baptized, it is a time of repentance and renewal through the practice of Prayer, Fasting and almsgiving.  Lent is about our baptismal covenant with God.  The promises that we have made and will make, rejecting Satan and professing our faith in God.                 – Deacon Jim

Ash Wednesday Reflection

As we prepare ourselves for the greatest feast of the year, Easter, we begin Lent with Ash Wednesday.  I am always amazed at the fact that so many people go to great lengths to make sure they get their ashes on Ash Wednesday and yet many of those same people are not active the rest of Lent in their preparation for Easter.  We need to remember that Jesus had to rise from the dead or else we would have just another failed Messiah and his birth would be just another child born to the world.

Without Easter, without the Resurrection, we would not have the gift of salvation. Jesus had to rise from the dead or else he would have just been another failed Messiah and his birth would be a forgotten footnote of history.

That is why Lent is such an important time of preparation.  We focus on the three key areas that Christ has pointed out to us in the Gospel. (Alms-giving, Prayer and Fasting)

So, as we begin with Ash Wednesday and its reminder of repentance, let us resolve to do our best each day, knowing that it is not the destination, but the journey that will ultimately transform us.
                              Portions taken from Fr. Barons / Words on Fire
                                                  - Deacon Jim