Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Good Shepherd Sunday

Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 7, 2017

This Sunday is, “Good Shepherd Sunday.”  Jesus invites us to follow the Good Shepherd and to walk the journey of life as he did, in leading others to faith in the Lord.  Let us take time today to reflect on those who did just that, and demonstrated to us, the loving and caring of Christ in the way they treated us.  Remember that Jesus did not only want to guide us and protect us, but he wishes to make sure we flourish in our life of faith:  “I came so that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”  [John 10: 10]

                                                -Deacon Jim

He took bread, blessed it and broke it and gave it to them and their eyes were opened and they recognized him.

Third Sunday of Easter
April 30, 2017

Have you ever taken a trip that had such an impact on you that it actually changed you?  I did have the blessing to travel to Rome, Italy and the surrounding areas the year before my ordination.  It was, in fact, a trip of a life time yet that journey did not have the overall spiritual impact that these disciples experienced in their walk to Emmaus. 

Their change came about from their encounter with Jesus. It was not only in their walk but was actually in the “Breaking of The Bread” with Jesus as they reclined at table with him, that their eyes were open to his presence.  For each of us, it is in the breaking of the bread of Eucharist at Mass that we too have the experience of our eyes and our hearts being open to the true presence of God.  The risen Jesus seeks out those who are looking for him and opens our hearts to receive him as our Risen Lord, the Savior of the world.

                                                -Deacon Jim

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

2nd Sunday of Easter. So you believe?

April 23rd
Second Sunday of Easter

This weekend we see that Jesus appears to Thomas, shows him the holes in his hands and wishes him peace. He tells Thomas to believe. But he also says, “You believe because you see me, blessed are those people who believe in me even though they have not seen.”

We are all a bit like Thomas. It isn’t always easy for us to believe in God. Even though we listen to the Gospel, and hear about God’s love for us it can be difficult to keep believing when things go wrong or when we are faced with challenges or tragedy in our lives. Today we thank God for the gift of faith in our lives and pray that He will continue to bless us with the gifts of faith from God to always believe!
                            -  Deacon Jim

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter, The Lord has risen Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

God's Blessings for a happy Easter to all. Enjoy watching the Easter Vigil Mass by clicking on the link below or the picture above:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Easter Sunday / He Has Risen! Alleluia

April 16, 2017

Christ is risen!  On this, the most holy of feast days in the Church, we come to this celebration of the Risen Lord filled with the hope of a new life.  As we proclaim God’s word, renew our baptismal promises, and join together in this great Eucharistic celebration, let us be open to the light of Christ in our lives.  Let us answer the call to go forth the rest of our lives proclaiming the marvelous deeds that God has done for us.  Like St. Pope John Paul II, we should say today “We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song”. May all of us be rooted in this Easter faith.

I wish to humbly thank all of our faith family for your support and persistent prayers of celebration and thanksgiving for all you have accomplished this past year to move our faith community forward.  I thank the army of volunteers who dedicate your loving service to our parish.  We are so blessed to have such an extraordinarily selfless and dedicated faith family.  It has been my honor to serve you as your Parish Life Coordinator for these nearly five years.  We all join together now in thanksgiving and praise to God as we look forward to welcoming your new Priest / Pastor in just a few weeks.  I pray that God’s love and peace fill your lives and those of your family.             
                   God Bless

                   Deacon Jim 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

“Lord, Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

April 9, 2017
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

We hold our palm branches high today, as we praise the Lord for the gift of faith that He has blessed each of us with and the pride we want to show in our Catholic Faith.

As we take part in the proclamation and reading of the Passion of the Lord this weekend, put yourself there alongside of Mary, his mother, as we follow the steps of Jesus to the agony he lived and died that day for us.  Then as we return to our homes with the palms in our hands, let us pray to God with a humble heart, “Lord, Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 2, 2017 5th Sunday of Lent

Video 1 of the Mass for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception for the 5th Sunday of Lent.  Lazarus is raised from the dead.  Just as he was freed from the bonds of death that tied him, we can be free from the deadly bonds of sin that pull us away from God.
Click on the link to watch this video of Mass

To watch the second part of the video, click on the link below: