Saturday, September 26, 2015

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time with Fr. Don Tranel with the Glenmary Missions.

Weekend Mass for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time / September 26 & 27 with Fr. Don Tranel from the Glenmary Missions. To view this Mass, click on the picture or the link below:

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 27, 2015
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings remind us that every one of us, whether we are new to the Catholic Faith or are lifelong Catholics, are called to reexamine our priorities constantly on our faith journey.  Jesus said, “Whoever is not against us is for us.”  Perhaps today our prayer can be for greater love and compassion for others in our relationships with others, and for an end of the factions that divide us and keep us from doing the work God has in mind for you and me.                  –Deacon Jim

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

September 20th
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel gives one key point of discipleship:  hospitality toward children.  Inspired parishioners contribute time, ability, and faith to religious education.  We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.  Our parish households must also become the foundation and center of Christian formation.  We are told at the time of the Baptism of our children that we as parents are to be the first and the best of teachers of the faith to your children.  This means the sharing of the Catholic way of life that is nurtured first and foremost around the home table.  This is the key to the Domestic Church in our faith.                -Deacon Jim

Saturday, September 12, 2015

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 12 & 13, 2015

Welcome to Mass for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception. Click on the link or the picture to enjoy watching the Mass:

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Reflection on the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 6, 2015
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

     In today’s Gospel Jesus took the deaf and mute person off to the side away from the crowd and healed him.  His healing opens ears to hear God’s word and loosens a tongue to utter God’s praise.  So does our rite of Baptism.
      After a child is baptized and anointed with sacred Chrism, given a stole or white garment and then the lighted candle, the priest/deacon will state the words of today’s Gospel, “Ephphatha!” meaning be open as he makes the sign of the cross on the child’s lips and on the ear lobes of the child to be open to hear the word of God as well as to proclaim God’s message in speech.
      These words and this Gospel set the stage for our challenge of profession of faith by the gifts that we have received from God.             – Deacon Jim  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time / Mass for August 29 & 30

View the Mass from August 29 & 30 for Sacred Heart, Oelwein and Immaculate Conception, Fairbank, IA.   To enjoy the Mass, just click on the picture of the link below: