Sunday, February 28, 2016

Feb. 28, 2016 the third Sunday of Lent

Thank you Fr. Wayne for covering all of the Masses this weekend for the two best parishes in Iowa. What great people and faith filled families. To view this weekend Mass for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, go to the link below or click on the picture of Fr. Wayne with the Book of the Gospels.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Third Sunday of Lent - First Scrutiny

February 28, 2016
Third Sunday of Lent
First Scrutiny

This weekend we celebrate with our Elect the first of three Scrutinies.  These communal prayers help to uncover and then heal what is weak and sinful, and also to bring out and strengthen all that is upright and strong in their hearts as they prepare for the Easter sacraments.  By their example, let us then also scrutinize our own lives so that we too will be ready to celebrate the Easter sacraments with then.

As we consider the Gospel for today, we note that it comes from Year A, the Gospel of John.  In the Gospel, the Samaritan woman first calls Jesus Sir, but then prophet, and then she reaches divine truth:  She states, “I know that the Messiah is coming”  Jesus then said, “I am he”  Her neighbors’ eventual profession of faith evokes our won; “this is truly the savior of the world”.

Lord, in the living waters we have been saved.  Hear our prayers this week for all that suffer, for all that need our prayers, especially for Pope Francis and all who are hoping to enter our faith this Easter.   AMEN
-       Deacon Jim

Monday, February 22, 2016

Weekend Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent at Sacred Heart & Immaculate Conception.

What a gift to have Fr. Paul giving of his time in retirement, so that SH and IC can have the Sacraments and can participate in our faith at weekend Mass. Thank you Dear Lord for the gift of Fr. Paul and of all priests that dedicated their lives in service to others. 

To enjoy viewing the Mass for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, click on the picture or on the link below.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Second Sunday of Lent, February 21, 2016

February 21, 2016
2nd Sunday of Lent

The Second Sunday of Lent always features Jesus’ Transfiguration.  From the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my chosen Son; Listen to Him.”
As God speaks to the apostles from the clouds upon the mount, so too does He speak to each of us.  He wants us to become more and more like Christ.  That is not something new but we do need to be reminded of it from time to time.  We pray that we will all demonstrate our eagerness to share fulling with Christ at the Lord’s Table, where bread and wine are changed into His Body and Blood, (Our food for the journey to salvation.)
-       Deacon Jim 

First Sunday of Lent, February 14, 2016

Enjoy watching the weekend Mass for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception. I will continue trying to post these for you as long as I can when I get access to the DVD. It is great to have these opportunities for so many that are not able to make it out in the winter to Mass. -- Deacon Jim

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The First Sunday of Lent, February 14, 2016 "The Temptation of Jesus"

February 14, 2016
First Sunday of Lent

In the Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent, we always feature Jesus’s temptation.  This year from Luke and last year from Matthew, the story is much the same, “the devil offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in return for his worship.”  The devil asserts, “all this power and glory has been handed over to me and I may give it whomever I wish.”  Jesus, however, rejects such self-centered political manipulation in the knowledge that His kingdom will be won by the cross.   This Lent is our opportune time to join Jesus’ trust in God and his unfailing Mercy.                               – Deacon Jim