Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"God will never abandon us. October 30, 2016 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 30, 2016

In the parable from last Sunday’s Gospel, a humble tax collector prayed, “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.”  In today’s Gospel, Jesus meets another tax collector, but this one is not as humble.  Zacchaeus only wanted to see Jesus so he climbed a sycamore tree, a very tall tree!  Like Zacchaeus, our hearts long for the presence of Christ.  And like in the case of Zacchaeus, Jesus wants more than just our seeing Him.  He wants our personal encounter with Him.  No wrong that we have lived, no sin that we have committed will every cause God to abandon us.  Pope Francis recently said, “No sin of any kind…erases even one of us from God’s merciful heart.”  In the hope of salvation, let us today lift up our hearts to our Lord and Savior in Thanksgiving.
                        -Deacon Jim

Saturday, October 22, 2016

October 23, 2016 Mass for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Check us out. Mass for this weekend, the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Just click on the link below or the picture above and enjoy watching the Mass and homily by Fr. Paul McManus.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Humility is the key to our prayers. October 23, 2016 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 23, 2016
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

For the past few weeks the readings have focused on prayer. In today’s Gospel we are given a message of humility in our approach to prayer to God.  As hard as it may be for us to believe, God does hear our prayers and responds to our humility and desire to ask for forgiveness, since we are all sinners.  Scriptures tell us that, “the prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds.”  So today let us make humble and honest prayers to our merciful and love God.  He will hear and will answer.
-       Deacon Jim

Saturday, October 15, 2016

How hard do we pray? Mass for the 29th Sunday in OT. October 16

Weekend Mass for Sacred Heart and immaculate Conception for October 16th the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Click on the picture or the link below to enjoy watching this Mass:

Friday, October 14, 2016

Grandparents Day at Sacred Heart

Today was Grandparents Day at Sacred Heart.  All of the students gathered at church with their grandparents for a special service.  I had the honor of celebrating a Word and Communion service with them. Thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who have given so much so these children can attend Sacred Heart School.  It is a blessing to be able to work with them.  If you would like to view the service, just click on the link below:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Does God Answer my prayers? October 16, 2016 The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 16, 2016
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are never alone! The Responsorial Psalm catches a fundamental truth for us: “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”  All of our readings this week point to the knowledge that persistent prayer means more than just saying the words, but, as Pope Francis said, “If we want to receive Jesus’ self-sacrificing mercy from our prayers, we must also make Jesus’ work of compassionate mercy our own as well.”     - Deacon Jim

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Weekend Mass for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. October 8 & 9

Here is the weekend Mass for Immaculate Conception and Sacred Heart for October 8 & 9. Just click on the link below and enjoy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The story of Jesus curing the ten lepers... 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 9, 2016
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel we hear that Jesus showed extraordinary mercy by curing ten lepers and yet only one returned to thank Him and give Him praise and honor.  From time to time we hear about the “80/20 rule,” by which it seems that 20% of a group does 80% of the work or 80% of the donations.  Does this mean that we had a “10/90 rule” going?  Let us all pray today in thanksgiving to God for all of our blessings and let us do so in such a way as it will upset all of the numbers and rules.
-       Deacon Jim