Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Fifth Sunday of Lent / Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

April 2, 2017
Fifth Sunday of Lent

Today the Church prayers for the third and final Scrutiny throughout the world.  We join the Elect from all over the world as we look at our lives and scrutinize how we are living up to our calling from God that came at the time of our Baptism.  As we focus on the Gospel this weekend, let us call on God to loosen the bands that tie us to death from our faith and our love of God much as Jesus raised Lazarus breaking him free of his burial bands.  May that be our prayer, both for ourselves and for all who are preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist this Easter.       -Deacon Jim

Monday, March 20, 2017

Laetare Sunday "REJOICE" / Jesus removes whatever keeps us from seeing Him more clearly...

Fourth Sunday of Lent
Laetare Sunday “Rejoice Sunday”
(Joyful anticipation of the Easter mystery)

This week we are reminded that Jesus comes to us to remove whatever prevents us from seeing him more clearly, and from responding to him more fully.  During Lent, our season of Baptismal preparation and renewal, we ask ourselves:  How has Jesus touched us?  What is Jesus asking us to do in our lives? How are we able to see Him more clearly and believe in Him more fully?                      - Deacon Jim

Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 19, 2017 Third Sunday of Lent

Watch Mass from the Third Sunday of Lent, Jesus Meets the Woman at the Well. Click on the link to view the Mass

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Baptized Christians should scrutinize our own lives today

March 19, 2017
Third Sunday of Lent

Today in Catholic Churches all over the world we celebrate the first of three scrutinies with the Elect and with their local faith communities.  The readings today are explicitly chose to help the Elect as they undergo the final preparations for the Easter Sacraments.  They are to do the same for each of us as well.  We as Baptized Christians can scrutinize our own lives today, following the example of the Elect in allowing our Lord to uncover and to heal all that is weak and sinful in the way we live.

-       Deacon Jim    (Pastoral Patterns)

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Reflection on temptation in our life

To watch the Mass for the 1st Sunday of Lent for SH and IC, click on the link below or the picture above: https://youtu.be/JLFk9KN2YDo