Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The First Sunday of Advent

 November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent

In our first reading this weekend we see that Israel stumbles when they do not actively seek the Lord and keep His commands.  Instead of blaming God for letting them wander and have hard hearts, they needed to open their eyes and ears to recognize God in their lives. 

How do we recognize God in our lives? Are we playing hide-and-seek with the Christ Child?   We need to be looking not simply with our eyes but with our hearts, our very being.  This is the kind of watching that Jesus is looking for from us and He is looking for us even harder that we are for Him.  This Advent, where will we look for the Christ Child in our lives?
-       Deacon Jim


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ The King

November 23, 2014
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King

What a vision the Gospel presents to us today!  The Son of Man in His glory with all the nations assembled before Him, judging the deeds of all those gathered in His presence.  And how are they judged?  Feeding the hungry and thirsty, clogging the naked, caring for the ill, visiting the prisoners are all examples.  We ask ourselves, how might we answer the Lord?
“Amen I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.”                                      - Deacon Jim

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

November 15 & 16
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Where is your wealth?
What’s your attitude toward wealth—your own and that of others? Most of us have a certain ambivalence toward money. Too much of it seems somehow sinful—or at least tempting toward the same. Too little is equally or even more debilitating. So, how much is enough? How do you find the balance and how does your faith inform the decisions you make about money?  This will tell you a lot about your attitude toward Stewardship!
                           -Deacon Jim