Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 14, 2016

The Gospel this week talks about the good news as well as the bad news.  Interesting isn’t it, that we so often only react and show interest when there is shocking or bad news.  Think about what is most watched on TV or other media.  The division and the persecution that is going on in our world against Christians should open our eyes.  Jesus himself was slain while He walked the earth.  The challenges that we as Christians face have been with us since the beginning.  The temptations to walk away from God and to worship earthly things is the evil one at work in our lives.  As we reflect on this week’s readings and the message God has for each of us, let us pray for strength to be the best followers of Christ possible.  Pray for courage to do God’s will whatever the cost.                           – Deacon Jim

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