Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Blessings from Deacon Jim & Cheryl,

Christmas Blessings from Deacon Jim & Cheryl,

We have spent all of Advent in anticipation of this moment, this time of celebration, Christmas Day!  Just as the children toss away the paper, ribbon, and boxes we too discard whatever is in the way of our receiving the gift God has for us, the gift of salvation.
Christmas is indeed a time of giving and receiving gifts.  As we reflect on this wonderful time of year, Cheryl and I are thankful for the gifts of the relationships and friendships that we have been blessed with from all of you.

Thank you Christ Jesus for your gift of self to all of humanity.  Thank you Christ Jesus for the gift of allowing us the blessing to work and serve the good people of God at Immaculate Conception and Sacred Heart. 

May Christ bless all of you this Christmas.  You are a gift from God to us and our family.  Your support and prayers through the challenging times as well as the times of celebration have been among the greatest gifts we  have received.  Thank you to all for being such a loving, caring and welcoming faith family.  We pray that God will bless you all this very special season.  Merry Christmas.

                        Deacon Jim and Cheryl Patera

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