Wednesday, February 1, 2017

We are to be the "Salt of The Earth" Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 5, 2017

Since I have been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, I have had to cut back my use of salt.  Do you realize that salt seems to be in almost everything and how hard it is to go without it?  Today’s Gospel talks about our being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  That is a tall task.  Like the salt we consume in our daily diet, we are to be the salt that is consumed in the daily diet of the faith of the world.  Some of the ways we can accomplish this are mentioned in our first reading:  “feed the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless, clothe the naked.”  We note that there is no mention of their “deserving this care.”  When we do these things, we demonstrate that we are indeed the salt that feeds the earth and the light that is shining our faith and love of God on the world today.                     – Deacon Jim

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