Friday, March 27, 2015

Palm Sunday, 2015

Palm Sunday
March 29, 2015

For weeks now, since Ash Wednesday, we have been preparing, for the celebration of our Lord's paschal mystery. Today we join together for this solemn celebration in union with the whole Church throughout the world. We are reminded that Christ entered in triumph into his own city, to complete his work as our Messiah: to suffer, to die, and to rise again. We are called to remember this special event and with love and devotion we unite with Christ in our special time of prayer and penance recalling His suffering on the cross.  We pray that we may share His resurrection and new life.

The palms that we will bless help us acclaim Jesus as our Messiah and King.  Pray today that one day all of us will experience the happiness of that new and everlasting life with God by faithfully following Him now and throughout the rest of the days of our life.                
                 – Deacon Jim

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