Monday, March 28, 2016

Second Sunday of Easter, April 3, 2016

Second Sunday of Easter

April 3, 2016

When someone says, “Let me see that,” the person really wants to reach out and touch, hold and experience it.  So it is with the message from the Gospel this weekend.  Like Thomas’s encounter with Jesus, we want more than to just hear about Christ.  We want to experience.  Our hearts desire to see the risen Christ as well as to touch, hold and experience Him.  That is what the Gift of our Faith does for us.  True faith is touching, holding and experiencing in our hearts and souls.                – Deacon Jim.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Vigil for March 27, 2016

The most beautiful Mass of the year, as we celebrated the Easter Vigil for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception Saturday night.  Praise God in all of His glory as He has risen from the dead for the salvation of all of mankind.

To view this Mass, click on the link below or on the picture.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 (Christ is risen. Alleluia, alleluia!)

Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016

On this very special holy day, we celebrate that Christ is risen.  We rejoice that the Son of God came to this world, suffered and died for us and that today we can celebrate His resurrection.  Today we can celebrate our gift of salvation.  As we listen today to the proclamation of God’s holy words, renew our baptismal promises, and join as a faith family in the great Eucharistic feast, we pray that we will have the strength to go forward and proclaim this good news and all that God has done for us.   Happy Easter
-       Deacon Jim

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Start of Easter Week, Palm Sunday Mass - March 20, 2016

Watch Palm Sunday Mass as we begin the Beautiful Week of Easter. I hope to see all of you at Holy Thursday Mass, First Friday Services and the Easter Vigil Mass as well as Easter Sunday Mass. This is the most beautiful and meaningful time of the Church Year. - Deacon Jim

To view the Mass, click on the picture or link below:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, March 20, 2016

March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday

Today we once again experience and live the proclamation of the Passion of the Lord. More than just words and a story, we must immerse ourselves into this experience of the life, passion and death of Jesus.  Together we can allow these words to enter our hearts and souls as we walk with Jesus through every step of the way.  Each of us may be considering the praises we have received as well as the crosses we are carrying.  How quickly life can turn on a dime.  Today let us ask God to give us the courage and strength to accept the crosses we carry with love and a faith that all of our pain and suffering will one day be healed by God.                           -Deacon Jim