Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 13, 2016 The 5th Sunday of Lent (Third Scrutiny)

John 11:1-45
Fifth Sunday in Lent

Reflecting on the Gospel today we know that Jesus loved Lazarus, and yet, at word of his illness and pending death, Jesus did not make it a rush to go to his side. Jesus saw everything in the BIG PICTURE.  He knew that Lazarus’ illness would not end in death, and it would all be for the gory of the Son of God.

I believe that we should see ourselves in Lazarus.  God helps one who suffers from affliction and that includes you and me.  Lazarus is the "one Jesus loves"; he represents all those whom Jesus loves, which includes you and me and all humankind. This story, then, is the story of our coming to life from death in this present moment, not just in a future event.

As we prepare ourselves on this 5th Sunday of Lent, let us be mindful that Jesus loves all of us, just as He loved Lazarus.  He walks with us in all we do and is there to raise us up when we fall.  It us up to us to reach out and take His hand.  I assure you, I am so grateful that His hand is out for me, as He raises me up in my illness and in my need to grow my faith and love of Christ as a humble sinner.   As Martha said, “I have come to believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coining into the world,” to save us!
-Deacon Jim

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