Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

June 5, 2016
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

How do we respond to the misfortunes of others? In a number of places the Gospel records that Jesus was "moved to the depths of his heart" when he met with individuals who were suffering or even in some cases, as we find this week, when the person had died.  God has power to bring healing to the sick and even new life to those on the threshold of death.  When we find ourselves in need of this “New Life” in our soul, we need to turn to Jesus.  His presence will drive out all of our fears and bring us healing and comfort.  Reflect on the miracles of healing and life and pray that these examples may help us find the healing we need today and in the days to come.
                 - Deacon Jim

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mass for May 29, 2016 Corpus Christi & Mission Sunday for our parish


Enjoy watching Mass for Corpus Christ Sunday and Mission Sunday, as our guest Sister Jane Ann Cherubin visits with us about her life in mission ministry. To view this video, click on the link below or the picture: https://youtu.be/C5mLX1citpo

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

May 28 & 29
The Most Holy Bod and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)

Today we are asked to reflect on the Eucharist in a deeper way than normal.  We focus on the Eucharist and the Church as the Body of Christ in the world.  It is up to us to continue Jesus’ mission on earth, and spread the good news to all.  We can emphasize this by the readings for today as we celebrate the three different sacred meals, the sacrifice offered by Melchizedek, the Last Supper and the multiplication of the loaves and fish. As we reflect on these readings, let us recognize the many blessings we have and form a greater appreciation and love for the Body and Blood of Christ.  
                         Deacon Jim 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Trinity Sunday. May 22, 2016


Enjoy watching the Mass for May 21 & 22 for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception. Trinity Sunday - To view the Mass click on the link below or on the picture: https://youtu.be/QEI04oF81pU

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 22, 2016 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

May 22, 2016
Most Holy Trinity

On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, we should give ourselves time to be renewed in our relationship with the three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We need to grow in our desires for a greater openness to the graces that each person offers us. St. Paul tells us that through the power of the Holy Spirit, the love of God is poured into our hearts. We pray that this feast will bring us all a renewal in the graces we need as well as the desire to enjoy the very personal gift of God's love for each of us.
-       Deacon Jim