Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Assumption of Mary

The feast of Mary’s Assumption is a preview of what our lives will be. At the end of her earthly life, Mary was assumed, or taken up, into heaven body and soul. She did not have to wait for the end of the world, as we do. God granted her this special privilege because of her sinlessness and her fullness of grace.  God wants every one of us to be in glory forever, body and soul, just as Mary is now. This special feast shows how important every single human life is. It is hoped that by thinking about Mary’s Assumption, people all over the world would develop a deeper respect for their own lives and their own bodies, and would grow in respect for the lives of others.

The Assumption is normally considered a Holy Day of Obligation, however, since it falls on a Monday this year, the Church has lifted the obligation to attend Mass on this feast day for 2016.

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