Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Here I am Lord, I come to do your will. (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

January 15, 2017
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Having been raised in the city, I am quick to admit that I know very little about farming and even less about farm animals.  That being said, I did a quick search to find out what the gestation period was for a lamb.  (Results:  152 days – Just a little over five months.)   Knowing this I realize that it takes us much longer to come to fully know “The Lamb of God.”  This begins at our Baptism and continues to grow in us throughout our lives.  During this time of growth in our faith and love of God, we look forward to sharing the Lamb of God at the Eucharistic Table, so let us sing loud the response of today’s responsorial psalm , “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.”

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