Thursday, February 16, 2017

"Love is the answer" If you are looking for more, you are lost indeed.

February 19, 2017
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel today, continues the words of Jesus as we listen to the Sermon on the Mount.  Throughout His sermon we have heard The Beatitudes, The teaching about our being the salt of the earth, about the support for the law handed down from God by Moses, about anger, adultery, etc. In this part of His Sermon we learn about our relationship with others.  “I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father…”  (The Gospel of Matthew is, in my opinion, the most powerful in the bible.  Like it was said in the song from England Dan & John Ford Coley -- “Love is the answer.”)                                                                    -Deacon Jim

While you do this, listen on You Tube to, "Love Is The Answer"

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