Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Do we recognize that God loves ALL of us?

July 2, 2017
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus loves His Disciples.  In today’s Gospel, we see how he is sending them out to be received and welcomed and in that way they will recognize  even more deeply the love that he sends with them. 
We are not rewarded nor do we win God’s love by doing good works alone. We are made ready to receive God’s love, by our being receptive to the “prophetic moments” of each day which Jesus calls our “daily cross” and by demonstrating our love for God as our Father and Creator.                    - Deacon Jim

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge...

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 25, 2017

As we begin our official summer months, we also come back to Ordinary Time in our liturgy of the Mass.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to, “Fear no one…”  Do you remember as a child the fear you may have had of the dark or something else that as an adult you realize is harmless?  Jesus wants us to understand that we are loved and cared for by God.  We have nothing to fear, and yet even as adults we hold on to some fears. (Fear of change could be one that we hold on to even today…) 

Jesus assures us all that He will be with us and will walk with us through every challenge that we face.  Make changes in our life not something to fear but something to embrace.  With the love and support of the Holy Spirit, there will be nothing to fear.

-       Deacon Jim

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Jesus is the living bread come down from heaven

June 18, 2017
Corpus Christi
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

How often do we consider the wonder of life?  Life itself is a great gift and yet, there is no definitive explanation of every aspect of it.  If life itself is a gift that we cannot explain, how much greater is our gift that Jesus offers us by eating his Body and drinking his Blood.  We are not able to explain it and yet by our faith we know it to be true.  Today let us thank God for this greatest of gifts, the Living Bread, the risen Christ within us. 

-       Deacon Jim

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

June 11, 2017
Holy Trinity Sunday

I found this little note in my readings this week and had to share it with you:  “A kitten followed some children home and into the house.  When they asked their mother it they might keep it, she mirthfully answered, “Purr – haps.” 

This weekend we celebrate the gift of the Trinity.  As God’s children we might ask, if we might be saved?  We can only imagine God’s response as, “Per – haps,”  if we truly believe and we choose to honor the Most Holy Trinity in our life.  So today we pause to acknowledge this mystery and to give thanks for the God of life who has sent the Son and the Holy Spirit for our salvation.
                 Deacon Jim

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Pentecost Sunday - Come Holy Spirit!

June 4, 2017
Pentecost Sunday

As we approach the conclusion of our Easter season we conclude with this special celebration of the Holy Spirit coming down on the followers of Jesus.   Today we ask the Holy Spirit to breathe those same gifts of understanding into us, to refresh us like a great strong wind that blows away the dust and cobwebs. Be still as we listen to that Holy Spirit encouraging us and giving us the strength to do more than we thought we could.
      Let us all pray:
“Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.”
I ask the Holy Spirit to help me to listen, to really hear what people are saying to me. I ask the Holy Spirit to help bend my too often stubborn heart and will and to keep me on a good path to following God.
-       Deacon Jim