Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Baptism of The Lord

January 11, 2015
Baptism of The Lord

Today we celebrate the Baptism of The Lord.  The brief Gospel from Mark paints the picture of the Baptism of Jesus.  You can imagine the “heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon Him.”  Too often we take these events for granted, much like the special events of our own Baptism.  The special baptism with water in the Jordan revealed who Jesus was, the “Beloved Son” with whom God was “well pleased.”

Do we take our Baptism for granted too?  If you ask someone who is waiting to be baptized on Holy Saturday, you will hear the words of one who is anxious to be called a “son or daughter of God.”  With Baptism, that is exactly what has happened to us, and with that identity God claims us.  We then begin our journey of faith and hope.  Faith in Christ as the Son of God and hope in the promise of eternal salvation for those that follow and love Him.  “Jesus’ saving work becomes our own life work.”                             - Deacon Jim

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