Monday, January 19, 2015

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time and The Start of Catholic Schools week.

Celebrating Catholic Schools week January 25 - January 31, 2015

The national celebration of Catholic Schools Week takes place across the country from January 25 – January 31, 2015. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2015 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service.” Sacred Heart School in Oelwein, celebrates education that goes beyond preparation for a secular life, it is education that prepares students for a Christian life. During this special week we celebrate the high standards of excellence and the quality of the education available to all students at Sacred Heart as well as those in Catholic elementary and secondary schools across the U.S.

It is my hope that we are able to build a community awareness of the quality of education and citizenship that is being taught to the children that have the blessing of attending Sacred Heart.  Our children can speak to the importance of volunteering in their parish and their community as they not only learn but practice the values of serving and caring for the needs of others.

You might ask, just what is so special about our Catholic schools?  The answer is easy.  Each day our community of supportive parents, staff, parish leaders and dedicated students are hard at work continuing to provide the tradition of quality educational opportunities for our youth.  The full team is working hard to ensure that our children are educated in mind, body, and spirit to be the best example of Christ in the world today.

Enhanced by an environment of prayer and caring for others, our Sacred Heart Catholic School is serving as a quality faith filled educational institution that is fostering a foundation of excellence for our children.  It is fostering an environment that can celebrate the freedom to teach from a perspective of the love of Christ in our lives.

To all of those that sacrifice, work and give of themselves for the success of Sacred Heart, I say, “Thank You and God Bless You for all you give.”  Your sacrifice and caring spirit are at the root of our success.

Congratulations Sacred Heart Oelwein and all of our Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
                                                Deacon Jim Patera
                                                            Parish Life Coordinator

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