Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 19, 2015
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

On the farm, the animals, crops and weather determine the rhythm of the farm family.  In a hospital, the needs of the sick determine the rhythm of the medical staff. So it is that the needs of our life and those around us, determine how we respond.  In our faith life, Jesus is the one who determines the rhythm of how we work and make known the Gospel.  He also recognizes our need to rest and re-create ourselves if we are to learn and grow in our faith and love of God and His Word.

So today, in the midst of our busy lives, in the middle of a hot summer, we welcome Jesus’ invitation, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” While that is just what our tired, run down batteries may need, we know that Jesus wants us to care of the needs of others around us at the same time.   Let us pray today that we can find a way to rest and be renewed by the Spirit as we also serve those who need are care.
-       Deacon Jim

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