Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 25 & 26

The Gospel today is a great story of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, and yet it is so much more.  It is about the abundance of God.  Jesus is the Bread of Life and in His self-giving we share in his body and blood.  We share in His self-giving sign of fulfillment and promise of glory with the Father.  The correlation of this mighty gift to the gift of the Eucharist at Mass today is not incidental.  It is intended to help us realize the abundance of God’s love for us and the fulfillment we are given when we are nourished from the Eucharist.  Let us not be lured into missing the abundance of God today in our lack of faith in the True Presence.   -  Deacon Jim

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