Saturday, October 3, 2015

Mass for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception.

October 4, 2015
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Respect Life Sunday

This past week Pope Francis told us that “The Family was worth fighting for”.  We know that in our society and in our faith we are a part of a network of human relationships.  Those relationships are formed and set in motion by the family.  The Gospel today challenges many of society’s commonly held notions about marriage and the family.  The Gospel goes further, including children in the whole equation.  We need to be mindful of those whose marriages are a source of anguish, as well as families whose children are not cared for and respected as they deserve.  Let us open our hearts and souls to help our brothers and sisters who are going through these challenging situations and pray that the Holy Spirit will give us all the grace we need to sustain the family and the future of our society and our church.             – Deacon Jim

To view the Weekend Mass for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 3 & 4

Click the picture or the link below to enjoy 
watching the Mass:

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