Tuesday, July 5, 2016

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016 (The Good Samaritan )

July 10, 2016
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 We can learn a great deal about ourselves if we take time to reflect on the story in today’s Gospel.  Jesus tells us what He expects of us in our relationship and caring of others.  It is not easy at times to help a person, knowing that they may have brought the situation they are in on themselves.  Yet, we meet others where they are in life and without judgment or pointing fault, we must show our love and concern for them as Jesus did.  Remember, God's love is unconditional. We must be ready to do good to others for their sake, just as God is good to us. Are we ready to lay down our life for your neighbor?     - Deacon Jim

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