Sunday, July 31, 2016

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Will we be ready?

August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The final line of today’s Gospel of Luke states, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, / and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”  We have been entrusted with the blessing of an opportunity to know the Lord through our Baptism and life as Christians.  Jesus urges us in this Gospel to make ready for the Master’s return, as we will not know when it will happen.  It is our responsibility to see to it that we are ready for Him when He comes. 

Let us pray today, as God’s people, that we will have the faith of Abraham, so that whenever the appointed hour comes we will be prepared and eager to greet our Lord face-to-face.
                                                            -Deacon Jim

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