Wednesday, September 7, 2016

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The love and compassion for the lost coming home.

September 11, 2016
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we read and reflect on the Gospel today, we may be focusing on the celebration for the one that was saved.  While this is all well and good, have you ever thought about how hard is for that one to come back to the fold?  Imagine being away from your faith for many years.  Now imagine how hard it would be to come back.  (What will people say?  What will others think of me?  How can I stand before the faithful and ever feel that I am part of them again?)  It took years for St. Augustine to come to his senses and turn to God, and yet his mother, St. Monica, never gave up in her prayers for him.  St. Augustine is a great model for us of what it means to be saved, to be lost and then found.  Pray that we are welcoming to all of the lost when they try to come home!
                -Deacon Jim

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