Tuesday, November 22, 2016

First Sunday of Advent - What would you do if you knew that Lord was coming for you this very hour?

November 27, 206
First Sunday of Advent

As we begin our new church year, Jesus is giving us a reminder that there are no warning signs for our life to end.  The words in today’s Gospel are often used at a funeral of a Christian.  “…If the Master had known the hour of night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake…”  Francis of Assisi was said to have been asked while working in his garden, what he would do if he knew that this very hour the Lord was coming for him in judgment.  Francis is said to have responded, “I would keep on gardening.”  Are we living our lives in a manner that we will be ready when the Lord comes for us?                         - Deacon Jim

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