Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 6, 2016 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. (In faith we have a strong belief in life after death). We pray for our loved ones who have died, that they will find eternal happiness in heaven.

November 6, 2016
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Each year we take the month of November to honor and remember our beloved dead.  Our scripture helps us to encounter and be inspired in the faith of the resurrection of the dead.  Today’s first reading allows us to face the unspeakable horror in which seven brothers are slain in front of their mother, who also is about to be killed.  Their faith in the life to come is remarkable.  Today’s Gospel affirms life after death by the word of Jesus.  As we move through this month, let us pray for a deeper faith in the promise of eternal life.                                           – Deacon Jim

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