Wednesday, November 11, 2015

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. "A reflection on the End of Times"

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 15, 2015

During this time, as we grow close to the end of the Liturgical Year in the church, the readings are about the end of times.  These Gospels inevitably paint a dark and dismal picture of calamity and doom, and so we often dismiss them.  The apocalyptic imagery of this Gospel is certainly no exception.  We may be tempted to say, “When Lord?”  No one can say when the end of time will come, much less when the end of “our time” here on earth will come, and yet, we need not live in fear or distress.  If we are connected with God in our lives, our rewards will be great in the next life.  Have faith and the Mercy of God will be given.                 – Deacon Jim

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