Thursday, April 2, 2015


As we come together to celebrate this greatest of holy days, Easter, we thank God for a special group of people: those who enter the Church at the Easter Vigil!  Welcome and Congratulations! The Church loves you and embraces you! Up until Saturday night, we have called you catechumens, those who have not been baptized, or we called you candidates, those who are already baptized Christians, and who will enter into full union with the Church through their profession of faith,

These new Catholics are an Easter gift of Jesus to His Church! We thank our risen Lord for them and pray that the Holy Spirit will enrich their lives and guide them on their continued journey as members of His Church.

Congratulations to:  Faith Bartels, Sevara Smith, Brittany Youngblut, Jamie Fenton, Alicial Grover, and Sharon Link.

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