Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Catholic Schools Week

January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

During this year of Mercy, Jesus challenges us to broaden our horizons until our vision of God’s kingdom matches His.  This kingdom is open to all, every sinner is a potential saint, every suffering stranger is our neighbor.  As Pope Francis tell us, rather than simply dividing people into the just ones and the sinners, Jesus reveals the great gift of mercy that calls all sinners to offer them the mercy and redemption of Christ.  We ask ourselves, as Paul did, “Is my love for others patient and kind, not jealous or pompous?  Is it not self-seeking or quick-tempered?  Does it not brood over injury or rejoice over wrongdoing? My love needs to bear, believe, hope and endure all things” 
                        -Deacon Jim

Let us pray:
Thank you Lord for all of those that support our Catholic School.  Walk with us as a parish and guide us to make good decisions that will support our children as they walk their faith journey in the future.  Bless always those individuals that dedicated their lives to teaching and forming our youth in Catholic Schools.     AMEN

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