Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time / Wedding at Cana

January 17, 2016
The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Something to consider during this “Year of Mercy.”

The Church as a small community formed by Jesus to carry on his mission and message guided by the Holy Spirit game under persecution with the death of St. James. The early Christians in being persecuted would be forced to make an oath to the emperor as their god or be cat food for the lions in the arena and some chose to deny Christ to escape torture versus martyrdom. Later when the heat was off they would come to the bishop, priests, seeking forgiveness and being restored to the membership of the church to receive Communion at the weekly Eucharist. The church needed a ritual of forgiveness and the result the conversion process of penance began.  It hasn’t changed all that much other than perhaps the size of the community from a few to thousands and the need to forgive.

Today might be a good time to reflect on our understanding of Penance and the need to seek God’s forgiveness in this year of MERCY.
                             -  Deacon Jim (Homily Notes from Fr. Paul McManus: 1/17/2016)

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