Friday, February 13, 2015

Our gestures are examples of what we believe.

February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Our gestures are real examples of exactly what we are feeling and believing.  On this last Sunday before the start of Lent, we are challenged to consider what we truly do believe and what our relationship is with God.  The gestures of the leper expressed a true faith in Jesus to heal as well as a real need for compassion and love.  Jesus reacted with His gesture of true compassion, just as He does for each of us.  As St. Paul reminds us in the second reading today, we must do everything for the glory of God.  Perhaps our pre-Lenten prayer today can be to give us the selflessness to demonstrate by word and gesture our true love of God by our love of each other.
-       Deacon Jim 

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