Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Transfiguration of Jesus. "Tell No One What You Have Seen"

Second Sunday of Lent
March 1, 2015

The second Sunday of Lent always tells the story of the transfiguration of Jesus. This glorious event stands in contrast to the Gospel readings of last week that focused on the temptations. The transfiguration reminds us of the divinity of Christ.  Jesus is the Son of God who allowed his disciples to briefly experience His glory.

   As we continue our Lenten Journey, we ask ourselves, do we expect only brief moments of glory from God and nothing more or do we recognize His glory in the world around us?  The true glory of God is only fully experienced after the suffering and death of Jesus. It is only by the cross that we are able to experience the Resurrection and the true Glory of God.

 Look for those who are suffering, those who are faced with true challenges in their lives.  When we find them and then act to show them our compassion, love, caring and HELP, we will be walking in the footsteps of Jesus and serving Him by serving others.
                     - Deacon Jim

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