Thursday, July 2, 2015

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time / "A prophet is without honor in his own country".

July 5
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have you ever heard, “A prophet is without honor in his own county?”  In other words, you need to be 25 miles from home before anyone will consider you an expert.  Today’s Gospel is the origin of this saying.  Maybe you have experienced it from time to time.  Rejection is most always discouraging, even if you are fully confident in yourself.  Our Church encounters opposition and rejection in the world even today. Doing what is right is not always comfortable or popular and often not accepted by many. When this happens to us, we can look to Jesus as our model.  His strength and courage in the face of so much rejection is an example to each of us as we stand up for what is right and for our faith.                            - Deacon Jim

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