Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jesus summoned the 12 and sent them out two by two.

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
July 11 & 12

   In today’s Gospel, Jesus summoned the twelve to go out and spread the Gospel.  His directions were a bit harsh for those of us living today, and yet, His message and his calling to service was not meant just for the twelve. It was not just for the priest or any ordained.  It is a call for all of us!  YOU are being called just as I am as an ordained deacon.  So what stands in our way?  For most of us the greatest challenge probably does not come from our possessions, but from our emotions and attitudes.  We do not like being rejected or unpopular.  We would risk failure so it is easier to just live good lives and not be concerned with others.  We may not like pushing our faith to the limits so it is just easier to be more concerned with our lives and less with the lives of those in need.
    The call from Jesus is clear,  “GO…”  The mission is urgent.  We must faithfully go to spread the Gospel and the message of repentance.  Are we strong enough to stand up and answer the call?    - Deacon Jim

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